My name is Mary Susannah, but I often go by
Sue-Sue, Susie Lou and Susan according to different people, but I much prefer
plain ol' Mary. I live in a tiny town deep in the country where everybody knows
your name, and while I really love it here...I do enjoy going to the city once
and a while to go shopping at the mall, eating at fancy restaurants and going to
concerts. I love to bake and cook just about anything. I also enjoy reading,
writing, singing, taking pictures and blogging (of course). I'm not a big fan of
sports...maybe because I'm kind of short and not very strong so I have never
been good at them, but I do enjoy shooting hoops once in a while and I love to go bowling...(if you call that a
sport) As for my blog, it is kind of like a diary of my life, where I can post
bits and pieces of whats going on in my own little world. I try to keep things
fun and interesting for everyone who visits my blog, as well as sharing my faith
and love for Christ...without Him I don't know where I'd be in life. I strive
everyday to be more like Him, and while I also fail daily...He is always there
to lovingly pick me up and set me back on the right track. As you can see, I'm
not much different from any other teenage girl. I often find myself longing for
approval, beauty and love- but then I have that little reminder that I already
am all that and much more in the sight of matter what earthly humans
might say. I am my own unique person, nothing more, nothing less...and even
better, I am God's.
And while the subject is me...I have been
inspired along with a bunch of other bloggers to join Olivia's "People Are
Imperfect Campaign For Bloggers Who Are Awesome" or "PAICFBWAA" It's where you
muster up enough courage to add a not-so-great picture of yourself where you are
totally and naturally make-up, editing or airbrushing...and while I
don't wear make up...(other then shiny chap sticks/glosses, and I do curl my
eyelashes and trim my eyebrows...but does that doesn't necessarily count as
make-up.) But I do often tweak up my pictures before posting them on my blog and
other in I boost up the color and lighting and do a bit of softening
or sharpening here and there. At first I didn't think I would join
"PAICFBWAA"...but why not? We were made in God's image...and I shouldn't be
embarrassed to show what I really and truly look like...sooooo...
-here you are- Yours Truly...