Thursday, June 30, 2011

Featured follower (Mary)

My name is Mary Susannah, but I often go by Sue-Sue, Susie Lou and Susan according to different people, but I much prefer plain ol' Mary. I live in a tiny town deep in the country where everybody knows your name, and while I really love it here...I do enjoy going to the city once and a while to go shopping at the mall, eating at fancy restaurants and going to concerts. I love to bake and cook just about anything. I also enjoy reading, writing, singing, taking pictures and blogging (of course). I'm not a big fan of sports...maybe because I'm kind of short and not very strong so I have never been good at them, but I do enjoy shooting hoops once in a while and I love to go bowling...(if you call that a sport) As for my blog, it is kind of like a diary of my life, where I can post bits and pieces of whats going on in my own little world. I try to keep things fun and interesting for everyone who visits my blog, as well as sharing my faith and love for Christ...without Him I don't know where I'd be in life. I strive everyday to be more like Him, and while I also fail daily...He is always there to lovingly pick me up and set me back on the right track. As you can see, I'm not much different from any other teenage girl. I often find myself longing for approval, beauty and love- but then I have that little reminder that I already am all that and much more in the sight of matter what earthly humans might say. I am my own unique person, nothing more, nothing less...and even better, I am God's.


And while the subject is me...I have been inspired along with a bunch of other bloggers to join Olivia's "People Are Imperfect Campaign For Bloggers Who Are Awesome" or "PAICFBWAA" It's where you muster up enough courage to add a not-so-great picture of yourself where you are totally and naturally make-up, editing or airbrushing...and while I don't wear make up...(other then shiny chap sticks/glosses, and I do curl my eyelashes and trim my eyebrows...but does that doesn't necessarily count as make-up.) But I do often tweak up my pictures before posting them on my blog and other in I boost up the color and lighting and do a bit of softening or sharpening here and there. At first I didn't think I would join "PAICFBWAA"...but why not? We were made in God's image...and I shouldn't be embarrassed to show what I really and truly look like...sooooo...

-here you are- Yours Truly...


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Star Wars according to a 3 year old

Featured follower( Mary)

I chose......

Marry from as this weeks featured follower!

Here are the rules..
Write a summery of yourself (what you like to do, family etc)
Post it on YOUR blog

Then i will transfer (copy and paste) it to my blog ( I would do e-mail but my parents aren't comfortable with me e-mailing strangers, nothing against you!)

If you do not want to claim the award please let me know so i can award someone else.
You are welcome to add pictures if you would like. Makes it more interesting

You have 3 days to write it (starting now I'm not gonna be that strict it's just a guide line so that means somewhere around July 1st)

ps. This is my 150th post! YAY!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

what do ya'll think?

Hi Awesome, Cool, Amazing ,Sweet followers ♥!
SO sorry I wasn't about to do "Fashion Friday" this week (and last we and the last week ;) Sorry I have been really busy. I thought you were supposed to get LESS busy in the summer time *sigh* anyways. I was wondering if you guys had any ideas about what Other things I should do on my blog(like things to improve it) I want people to be *interested*I want them to *want* to read it. Do you guys have any ideas? it's an idea you got from another blog and you just love reading that blog because of it. Or maybe it's something you do on your blog that people love to here about, maybe you just made one up! Please comment and give suggestions.
Ps also i have NO idea how to get a new background on blogger (because of those changes) could you guys tell me how??

Elmer (that's what my sissy used to call me ♥ :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hairstyle contest!

About the contest. Thank you SO much for entering! Sadly (and rather embarrassing) I only got 1 entry (book blogger). Don't worry I will still use your entry I am just going to change the deadline to....let me look at the how about June 30th that gives you a whole week. If you guys would be able to "Spread the Word" a little bit that would be great! Again thank you so much for entering!

My dream room(s)

This one wouldn't be fore me. It would be for my little bro's. CUTE


LOVE the colors on this one!

Yes... i have a pool in my room! XD

Monday, June 20, 2011

My every day life

As you can see me and my siblings had some fun the other day. Lets just say that one of us (MAYBE it was me ;) started it by taking a clump of mud and throwing it at the back of my sisters head. By the end we ALL looked like this, even Jacob was muddy, but he was the smart one and he didn't want to be in the picture looking like he did, plus we needed SOMEONE to take the picture! My parents thought it was funny too. We used the show them the picture AFTER your you get cleaned up trick) works every time ;)


Friday, June 17, 2011

blog contest, and other....stuff (can you tell i'm running out of title ideas?)

Hi blogger's,
So I'm gonna do a Hairstyle blog contest. Just post a picture (and a tutorial) of you favorite hairstyle.I will judge you by...
How cute the hairstyle is, and How easy your tutorial is to understand (you can do a video if step by step instructions). *Deadline* Friday 24. That gives you a week to do the tutorial and post it.

Also, I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a header and would make it for me. I really have no idea how it works ( No I'm not a 4 year old ;). If you are willing to make a header for me ( that would be amazing!) please leave a comment)
Have fun!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


so today my sister and i started 4h barrel racing for the first time. So let me start from the beginning. My sister was going to ride Dreamer (the horse we lease) over to 4H (the stable is like a mile away from where we do 4H). So she started down the driveway and my family and i were in the car, we were going to drive behind her so that traffic wouldn't come by so fast. She crossed the rode no problem, until we got to the other side of the rode where she was going to cross to get into the field. Dreamer did NOT want to go through the grass so, naturally she reared (actually not so naturally it was really scary). My sis stayed on, and it was a full out rear ( you must understand that we were on the side of the rode with cars whizzing by and tall grass, so you can hardly blame her.) Anyways my sister was brave enough to try to bring her through the grass one more time. She made it through with a little trouble, the normal snorting, hopping etc. When she made it through my family and I (My sis is WAY more brave than me, when she reared i was so scared that i started crying, it was that bad) went around the field to the other side, in the car. she made it to the end where we were and my mom asked "how did it go"  my sister said "well....i fell off" my mom freaked out a little (it's only natural) and i freaked out A LOT! lol She wasn't hurt and she was hardly even scared (at least she didn't act that way, she is SO MUCH braver than me ;)  She was pretty bad for the rest of the night, I was riding her in 4H my sis just rode her over for me because i was too afraid xP Nobody died though so that's good! It was really stressful though. Dreamer is usually a really good horse, but she was scared and it was a new place with new people hopefully next week will go better!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Featured follower (koda girl)

I awarded another person as my "Featured Follower" this week Here she is......

Koda girl from

Here are the rules..
Write a summery of yourself (what you like to do, family etc)
Post it on YOUR blog

Then i will transfer (copy and paste) it to my blog ( I would do e-mail but my parents aren't comfortable with me e-mailing strangers, nothing against you!)

 If you do not want to claim the award please let me know so i can award someone else.
You are welcome to add pictures if you would like. Makes it more interesting

You have 3 days to write it (starting now I'm not gonna be that strict it's just a guide line)
Have fun!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Featured follower (Sierra)

Here is her Post.

My name is Sierra and that is a pen name.I do try and be internet safe and everything :)
I am a total bookworm, I love to listen and sing to music though I can't really play anything.I tried Piano and Guitar they just weren't for me.I am writing a book about a bunch of Princes and Princesses who are sent to have their final training on an island.fantasy and a bit Middle Aged.No castle or mud streets tough.And no Robin Hood.I am also a huge animal person I just love animals!I like to take pictures but unfortunately don't really have a good camera.Just my DSI camera.I like fashion but I am not obsessed with it.My favorite fashion accessories would be Jeans and earrings.I am a big Purity girl and write in a journal that I will one day give to my future husband.I am saving my kiss for my wedding day and doing something between dating and courting.I love to blog and on this blog just do everyday life, faith, purity, pictures and random posts.On Sierra's Booklist I review books I read and on The Music Download I post music videos ever Saturday and try to do something between then as well.I also try to comment on some of the blogs I follow and if I don't get to you...that probably means I am super busy :) So basically I am normal teenage girl, homeschooled and the oldest of four and a total bookworm and waiting for Jesus to come back and hoping I am going to be able to have a family before that.But still be young.I know I am crazy :)

Thanks so much! you did EXACTLY what I was hoping it would turn out like!
God bless!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Featured Follower"

I just wanted to let you know that for some weird reason i can't post comments :P idk why but I just can't! So sorry about that. Anyways i just wanted to let yall' know that i chose a person to be my "featured follower" ...

 Sierra at her blog congrats (don't worry she is not the only one that's gonna win ;) Also if you don't want to do the contest just comment and let me know so i can choose somone else)

All you have to do is...
Write a summery of yourself (what you like to do, family etc)
Post it on YOUR blog

Then i will transfer (copy and paste) it to my blog ( I would do e-mail but my parents aren't comfortable with me e-mailing strangers, nothing against you!)

You have 3 days to write it (starting now I'm not gonna be that strict it's just a guide line)
Have fun!
Ps. I LOVE the changes blogger made! I think it's so cool!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I have an idea

i know what  your thinking "oh no Emily has another idea this can't be good" ;) But just hear me out! ;) I was thinking this might be a cool idea (well  I think it's cool please tell me if you think it's stupid...i can take it ;) Any who I was thinking i would choose one of my followers to be my "featured/interviewed follower" ( i would choose one once a week) So i would randomly choose someone and they would write a post about themselves. Do you think that's a good idea?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fashion Friday

Finlay i was able to do a Fashion Friday! We have just been so busy. Here is the outfit

Sorry about the HORRIBLE quality i will try to do better next time (maybe get a new camera! not really but that would be nice!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Horribly Wrong!

I am really sorry for a long time my computer wasn't working so i wasn't able to post! SO sorry.

I made a batch of cookies today, and something went HORRIBLY WRONG i don't think i put enough flour in so when i went to take them out they were all run together! Also they were burned they cooked to fast the middle wasn't done but the outside was done (plenty done)! I guess you learn from your mistakes!