On this blog,I will babble on about anything creative, From craft ideas to recipies to hairstyles. I hope to do everything to give God glory.He deserves it BTW.
"The Truth About YG" Messy Monday. Seriously the funniest movie. Like ever. Watch it!
Horse Show: I have a horse show this weekend which I am VERY excited about! It is only my second show on my new horse (Chance). I just got an amazing, gorgeous, fabulous horse show shirt! I'll give you a hint. It has sparkles! ;) I will definitely post some pictures when its over! If you would pray that everything would go well, that would be much appreciated!
1 Direction: And I will leave you with a picture of the most amazing boy band ever. Period.
Hi everyone! I was just wondering what you guys would like me to post about. Like what you enjoy hearing about. Here are the options...
1. More about one direction 2. More about horses 3. Cute stuff 4. Hairstyles 5. inspirational stuff and crafts. 6. funny videos 7. Horse shows 8. Mix of all these things