Tuesday, December 21, 2010

this is what you have to do.

sorry about all the confusion. I have decided that if you want to enter the contest post a picture of your outfit on your blog then comment and give me the link. make sure you comment on this post or I might not find that comment and you will not be entered!I am going to judge, all you have to do is tell me which category your outfit will be in like in my other contest the categories are CUTE and PRETTY. make sure to give me the link for your blog!


  1. Here's my link; http://desiringgodsdesires.blogspot.com/2010/12/johnson-strings-concert-and-my-birthday_06.html

    My entry for the contest is the first photo. :)

  2. How about next time, tell us that there will be categories, the first one I sent you is pretty, and this next one I'm sending you is cute. I will be sending it by email, it worked the last time and I sent it to 'schneidhome@usfamily.net' I don't want to post the pics.
