Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!!! here is her amazing blog!
Here goes it, and I hope you enjoy this little blab about Lucia.
I was born on August 15th, 1995, to missionary parents and a small northwestern town; the second eldest in an eventual family of six. I currently have two sisters: Olivia (18) and Anne (10), and one brother: Mark (13). My mom homeschools all of us, and I have learned in the home since kindergarten.

^This little girl right here
writer who is attempting her first novel,
avid reader who has read every book in her home and nearly every book in her friends' homes,
photographer saving for a camera and in the meantime practicing with a point-and-shoot,
pianist of eight years who plays for her church and local homeschool choir,
runner who is a part of a highschool cross country team,
^ Yes, that is actually me..:P
pen-paller who writes 15+ ladies and wrote a 50+ page letter this year to someone special, ;)
horse girl who wishes she knew more,
singer who doesn't claim fame but is humming all the time,
blogger of nearly two years, ;)
blog designer with a new business,
lover of babies and all children in general,
believer in waiting for one man and one romance, yet
...not waiting for that one romance to make me happy. :]
And just as a side note, I am:
one who has read Darwin's Origin of Species just for experiance
who understands evolution as well as creation
..and still believes in the One True God, Creator of the Universe
who dies for us on the cross
who is seated at the right hand of God this very moment
and who will return for us, if we have not already left this earth, with a trumpet sound on a day not very far away.
(1 Corinthians 15:52)
Yep. All packed into this little girl right here.
..and that, my friends, is only scratching the surface. :]
Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! She sounds almost exactly like me!!!