Saturday, June 25, 2011

what do ya'll think?

Hi Awesome, Cool, Amazing ,Sweet followers ♥!
SO sorry I wasn't about to do "Fashion Friday" this week (and last we and the last week ;) Sorry I have been really busy. I thought you were supposed to get LESS busy in the summer time *sigh* anyways. I was wondering if you guys had any ideas about what Other things I should do on my blog(like things to improve it) I want people to be *interested*I want them to *want* to read it. Do you guys have any ideas? it's an idea you got from another blog and you just love reading that blog because of it. Or maybe it's something you do on your blog that people love to here about, maybe you just made one up! Please comment and give suggestions.
Ps also i have NO idea how to get a new background on blogger (because of those changes) could you guys tell me how??

Elmer (that's what my sissy used to call me ♥ :)


  1. OK, here goes...

    If possible, pictures are always REALLY nice - one of my favorites!

    Maybe you could share about what you are reading in your daily devotions, a quote that inspired or challenged you, a scripture tht blessed you, a song that made you want to sing praises to He who alone is worthy...the possibilities are endless...

    In whatever you do, do it to the glory of the LORD, so tht He may be magnified.

    Soli Deo Gloria!


  2. Do you draw? Do you write? Cause if you do, I'd like to see your drawing and read your stories! :D
